I was thinking the other day about false Christian doctrine, and how so many people fall for it... then I began to wonder just how this stuff comes about. I think all false Christian doctrine follows the same basic process, delineated in the following five steps...
The "five points" of birthing a false doctrine...
1. Decide what you want to believe. (note: it is really best to do this before ever cracking the cover of your Bible).
2. "Search the scriptures" to find passages, verses, and even portions of verses that seem to support your fledgling notion.
3. Purpose to ignore other verses in the Bible which unquestionably refute what you've chosen to believe.
4. When challenged with those verses mentioned in step 3, resort to eisegesis--meaning that you read a new and different meaning into those bothersome passages and then hope that your antagonist will just go away and leave you alone. It may also help to act aloof during such encounters, which can give your opponent the impression that he or she is not intellectually advanced enough to see things as they actually are.
5. Lastly and very importantly, purpose to consort only with other Christians who share your newly contrived point of view, avoiding at near any cost fellowshipping with those who may have a tendency to bring up verses that you really just wish weren't in the Bible in the first place.
...and voila! You're done. It will also help a lot if you'll be careful not to read anything other than the writings of those who agree with your point of view. Once you have a following, you can begin working to ensure that your members avoid these same troublesome publications. And watch out for those pesky ministers who remain uninitiated to your new understanding. ;)

Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Emergent Church tripe... (don't tell me what's in my hotdog)
I like hotdogs as much as the next guy, probably more than the next guy, to be quite honest. But one thing that we hotdog lovers don't want to hear is a list of ingredients of what's in our beloved wieners. We just want the food police to put a sock in it and let us enjoy our hotdogs. (I like to claim Mark 7:18-19 over my food when I eat such things, by the way).... :)
Hotdogs and other such "meats" will often have listed among their ingredients "tripe." But what is tripe?
Websters defines it:
1: stomach tissue especially of a ruminant (as an ox) used as food
Hotdogs and other such "meats" will often have listed among their ingredients "tripe." But what is tripe?
Websters defines it:
1: stomach tissue especially of a ruminant (as an ox) used as food
2: something poor, worthless, or offensive
Yuk. So I'm eating guts. Disgusting, rancid guts. Fourteen quarts of greasy grimy cow or pig or who-knows-what guts. See why I just wanted you to leave me and my hotdog alone?? :)
But much like the hotdog aficionado who will stop his ears and keep chomping on his dog when the truth of what he's eating is revealed to him, I have found the misled masses who are involved in the emergent church movement to do much the same. Many of these Christians should know better than to eat the tripe that emergent church "pastors" such as Rick Warren, Tony Campolo, Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, Tony Jones and others feed them--but they seem blissfully complacent... lulled by the pie-in-the-sky pseudo-gospel of "kingdom now" theology.
The kingdom now, or "dominion" theology advocates follow a philosophy that says the church is going to make the world such a better place that Jesus will one day look down from heaven and declare "Now that's more like it. I think I'll just initiate operation 'second coming' right now because I just love what you've done with the place!"
What a crock.
The satanic motive behind such a theology is pretty obvious. The Bible is explicit about how there will be a great falling away in the last days. Paul, Peter, and Jesus Himself have told us what to expect. In spite of an abundance of scripture that shows us how the apostasy will grow worse--and humanity will get more evil by the decade--kingdom now (emergent church) followers have been duped into thinking they can turn this puppy around somehow. We are seeing hundreds of thousands of church members buying into this false premise, and the aforementioned satanic motive is this: When these idealists eventually realize that the world is (just as the Bible foretells) getting worse and worse--rather than better and better--they will fall into a spiritual depression, feeling they have championed a lost cause. They will become complacent in their service to Christ, and multitudes who were never truly born again will fall away. Perhaps this is the mass falling away that we see mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2.
Our Lord has written in Hosea 6:4a My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
I have become more and more painfully aware that emergent church followers really don't want to hear the truth about what they are believing. As the lies get more and more obvious (even to the novice Christian), they just stop their ears all the more. They like the music, the camaraderie, and the feeling that they are "making a difference." In such settings they learn all kinds of "neat stuff." Rob Bell has recently informed his congregants (and the lost world around him) how all mankind will go to heaven. So we get to spend eternity with Adolph Hitler and murderous child molesters and the like. Thanks for clearing that up for us Rob.
One of the things that many emergents will declare when asked about Bell or Campolo or other apostate teachers is... "Well, I don't agree with everything he has to say, but a lot of his stuff is really good--really worth listening to." I've heard this several times from various people. They seem to be advocating the "eat the meat and spit out the bones" approach, when in reality all they're doing is eating around the tire track on the road kill. :o
Satan twisted God's Word to deceive Eve in Genesis chapter 3. “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”(NIV)
Did God really say that?? (emphasis mine)
And this is what is going on still today, with Satan's ministers putting various new "twists" on the truth, leading people deeper into error, all the while causing them to think they're doing the right thing. When you tell the emergents that their soup lines and social gospel approach aren't going to fix the planet (Jesus said we would always have the poor), they view you as cold hearted... as uncaring. But if you merely feed a poor person and deprive him of the Truth that will truly save him, is that love? If you hand him a sandwich and a blanket and a pamphlet leading him to the nearest emergent church, where he'll find out wonderful "truths" such as how homosexuality is perfectly natural and how Islam is just another way to God and how you can just "love" your way to heaven... if you direct such a soul to a place where Christianity and pagan rituals seem to peacefully coexist--then what earthly good are you doing him? Without question, you've done more harm than good.
At Rick Warren's Saddleback church, that wayward, hungry soul can learn how to "get fit" from some new age pagan types who will hypnotize you and teach you "Christian yoga" (Hinduism, actually)... check out some of what Warren is actually doing in his "church" to see it for yourself.
Why does Warren let such hellions take the stage in his church?
We are commanded in 1 John 4:1 to "test the spirits, to see whether they are from God." But in order to test spirits, we have have God's Holy Spirit in us. That requires regeneration, or being "born again" as Christ put it. This is sadly what may be lacking in most emergent church congregations. John 16:13 tells us that the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. When professing Christians continue to putter around in falsehoods, and dabble in eastern mysticism, we must ask where the evidence of the Spirit actually is.
Check out the testimonies of Nazarene church members who blew the whistle on emergent false teaching in their own churches. In these interviews, Eric Barger reveals how many are having to leave their churches because the false teachers and false brethren have come to greatly outnumber those who are truly saved.
None of this is to advocate letting hungry people starve. Jesus has certainly commanded us how to treat the poor, the hungry, and the otherwise needy around us. And so we should obey by sharing what He has given us. But being generous will not get you, or anyone else into heaven. The Mormons are more generous than all the emergent church followers put together, but unless they repent and get saved they're going to be doing time for all eternity with other advocates of works based theologies... in the place Rob Bell says doesn't exist: Hell.
Check out what your pastor is reading. Ask him who his influences are these days. Find out where the Sunday school material is coming from. Youth ministers are particularly subject to getting duped by emergent church tripe. It's getting tough out there, and it's almost certainly going to get a lot worse before our Lord returns.
Yuk. So I'm eating guts. Disgusting, rancid guts. Fourteen quarts of greasy grimy cow or pig or who-knows-what guts. See why I just wanted you to leave me and my hotdog alone?? :)
But much like the hotdog aficionado who will stop his ears and keep chomping on his dog when the truth of what he's eating is revealed to him, I have found the misled masses who are involved in the emergent church movement to do much the same. Many of these Christians should know better than to eat the tripe that emergent church "pastors" such as Rick Warren, Tony Campolo, Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, Tony Jones and others feed them--but they seem blissfully complacent... lulled by the pie-in-the-sky pseudo-gospel of "kingdom now" theology.
The kingdom now, or "dominion" theology advocates follow a philosophy that says the church is going to make the world such a better place that Jesus will one day look down from heaven and declare "Now that's more like it. I think I'll just initiate operation 'second coming' right now because I just love what you've done with the place!"
What a crock.
The satanic motive behind such a theology is pretty obvious. The Bible is explicit about how there will be a great falling away in the last days. Paul, Peter, and Jesus Himself have told us what to expect. In spite of an abundance of scripture that shows us how the apostasy will grow worse--and humanity will get more evil by the decade--kingdom now (emergent church) followers have been duped into thinking they can turn this puppy around somehow. We are seeing hundreds of thousands of church members buying into this false premise, and the aforementioned satanic motive is this: When these idealists eventually realize that the world is (just as the Bible foretells) getting worse and worse--rather than better and better--they will fall into a spiritual depression, feeling they have championed a lost cause. They will become complacent in their service to Christ, and multitudes who were never truly born again will fall away. Perhaps this is the mass falling away that we see mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2.
Our Lord has written in Hosea 6:4a My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
I have become more and more painfully aware that emergent church followers really don't want to hear the truth about what they are believing. As the lies get more and more obvious (even to the novice Christian), they just stop their ears all the more. They like the music, the camaraderie, and the feeling that they are "making a difference." In such settings they learn all kinds of "neat stuff." Rob Bell has recently informed his congregants (and the lost world around him) how all mankind will go to heaven. So we get to spend eternity with Adolph Hitler and murderous child molesters and the like. Thanks for clearing that up for us Rob.
One of the things that many emergents will declare when asked about Bell or Campolo or other apostate teachers is... "Well, I don't agree with everything he has to say, but a lot of his stuff is really good--really worth listening to." I've heard this several times from various people. They seem to be advocating the "eat the meat and spit out the bones" approach, when in reality all they're doing is eating around the tire track on the road kill. :o
Satan twisted God's Word to deceive Eve in Genesis chapter 3. “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”(NIV)
Did God really say that?? (emphasis mine)
And this is what is going on still today, with Satan's ministers putting various new "twists" on the truth, leading people deeper into error, all the while causing them to think they're doing the right thing. When you tell the emergents that their soup lines and social gospel approach aren't going to fix the planet (Jesus said we would always have the poor), they view you as cold hearted... as uncaring. But if you merely feed a poor person and deprive him of the Truth that will truly save him, is that love? If you hand him a sandwich and a blanket and a pamphlet leading him to the nearest emergent church, where he'll find out wonderful "truths" such as how homosexuality is perfectly natural and how Islam is just another way to God and how you can just "love" your way to heaven... if you direct such a soul to a place where Christianity and pagan rituals seem to peacefully coexist--then what earthly good are you doing him? Without question, you've done more harm than good.
At Rick Warren's Saddleback church, that wayward, hungry soul can learn how to "get fit" from some new age pagan types who will hypnotize you and teach you "Christian yoga" (Hinduism, actually)... check out some of what Warren is actually doing in his "church" to see it for yourself.
Why does Warren let such hellions take the stage in his church?
We are commanded in 1 John 4:1 to "test the spirits, to see whether they are from God." But in order to test spirits, we have have God's Holy Spirit in us. That requires regeneration, or being "born again" as Christ put it. This is sadly what may be lacking in most emergent church congregations. John 16:13 tells us that the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. When professing Christians continue to putter around in falsehoods, and dabble in eastern mysticism, we must ask where the evidence of the Spirit actually is.
Check out the testimonies of Nazarene church members who blew the whistle on emergent false teaching in their own churches. In these interviews, Eric Barger reveals how many are having to leave their churches because the false teachers and false brethren have come to greatly outnumber those who are truly saved.
None of this is to advocate letting hungry people starve. Jesus has certainly commanded us how to treat the poor, the hungry, and the otherwise needy around us. And so we should obey by sharing what He has given us. But being generous will not get you, or anyone else into heaven. The Mormons are more generous than all the emergent church followers put together, but unless they repent and get saved they're going to be doing time for all eternity with other advocates of works based theologies... in the place Rob Bell says doesn't exist: Hell.
Check out what your pastor is reading. Ask him who his influences are these days. Find out where the Sunday school material is coming from. Youth ministers are particularly subject to getting duped by emergent church tripe. It's getting tough out there, and it's almost certainly going to get a lot worse before our Lord returns.
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